Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Different Types of Car Donation Programs

There are several things which one should consider before making a donation in the car donation programs. For instance, there are different types of programs like those for profit and those which are otherwise. Of course, donations are accepted by both types of programs but there will be basic differences which will make it easy to differentiate between the two.

Charity organizations are connected with both types of programs, namely the profit and the non-profit programs. But there are differences in the method and the amount of donation proceedings that go to the charity. It is always better for the donor to have a detailed idea as to how the car donation programs utilize the donation. The American government helps in deducting tax if a donor makes a car donation. These amounts vary in the two types of programs. So the donor should know the intricacies of the procedure so that he gets the maximum amount of tax benefit.

On a general note, the for-profit car donation programs do accept vehicles for donation. Then the cars are sold under auction and a portion of the sale proceedings are paid to the program. The rest goes to the charity. The charity organization which gets the money is decided by the donor. There are a host of charitable trusts which are connected with the for-profit programs. Some of them include the American Diabetes Association, the Alzheimer's Association, the United Way and the like.

Not-for-profit programs work a little differently than the former. When a car is donated, the car is either sold at a auction or given to a family which is in dire need of the car. The donor gets a fair market value estimated on the condition of the car. Car donation programs generally work in similar ways.

This article remains the property of salvationarmycardonationguide.com, it may be republished on the net but must remain unchanged and include original links and resource box.

Nadim Gerowall is a webmaster for Salvation Army Car Donation [http://salvationarmycardonationguide.com], Where you will find information about how to donate car to salvation army.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nadim_Gerowall/54500

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2599319

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